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Post-Race Travels, Part 5

August 10- 15, 2022

M Squad Reunion

FLORIDA AND GEORGIA (Not the Country and really, really, really far away from Tbilisi)

The flight out of Denver touched down in Pensacola, FL a few hours later, and my surroundings instantly changed. Instead of the cold mountains, the warm, humid climate returned. Coaches Darla and Chris Huffman welcomed us, and we began a time of fellowship at their house. The M Squad Reunion was underway, and we got to see many familiar faces. Yet this time, it was different. We were back in the US for a month and a half, and we began to move on in our separate lives. Each of us were beginning our new chapters after the Race- and I was ending mine as these recent travels came to a close.

For me, I would consider the Squad Reunion to be the final, final Debrief for this chapter in life. It came at the end of the Colorado trip, and at the end of what took place over the past couple months and after the Race. During the Reunion, we went to McGuire’s Irish Pub, where we helped ourselves to Senate Bean Soup and shared about what God has done. Later in the day, God opened the door for me to visit the Globe International ( headquarters in Pensacola. The Lord is using this mission agency for His purposes across the world, and it was terrific to build this connection. Yet the Reunion was also a time to just chill and rest. We spent a good amount of time at Chris & Darla’s house just relaxing and enjoying each other’s company. It provided a much needed space to process the Colorado trip before heading back home.

The next day, we went to the Pensacola Beach, which was a fun treat. We did not know if the weather was going to work out, but we managed to get to the beach and splash in the waves. To end the Reunion, we drove in the van back up to Georgia. That day also was my 25th birthday, which we got to celebrate together as a squad. It’s a great time to get to experience it with the community that I did life with over the past year serving the Lord overseas. We also visited a coffee shop startup, Wondah Coffee, that Sav Archer ( and Parker launched in Niceville. On our way up, we said our goodbyes as people got dropped off at the airport. Late in the evening, we made it to Gainesville and got to see more WR friends.

A little over three years before this, I was at the North Georgia Revival, where God began this season of missions and helped redirect my path after a tough chapter. Now, I was back at this same event to close out this season. We encountered God where it all began! Yet this time, a lot of friends from the Race and some new faces joined in. I was able to meet Kevin (, who I was originally supposed to serve with in 2020’s Expedition Squad before Covid-19 hit. That was an unexpected blessing. All of us worshipped the Lord, and prayed together. It went late into the evening, where some people were immersed in a baptismal pool to rededicate their lives &/or to receive healing. This revival had been going on for over three years now, and in these moments, this missional chapter ended.

On August 15, I began my long, winding journey back home. The Greyhound bus picked me up and took me to Charlotte (and yes, it was sketchy). In Charlotte, Chris Tirado ( and I hung out, and we got to pray over an older man that the Lord led us to as we heard his story. We are hopeful that God will break into his life and restore his marriage with his wife. It was also the first time I saw Chris since he left Armenia to go back to the US, and we got to catch up. Another unexpected blessing! Later in the day, another bus took me up the mountain and towards Boone, NC. My sister picked me up from Boone and drove me home. At approximately 10 pm, I set foot at my home once more; knowing that this will be my home for the foreseeable future.

A couple weeks later, Dad and I watched The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies. After witnessing a climactic battle for northern Middle Earth after months of travel, Bilbo Baggins finally reached his home of Bag End. At Bag End, he began to write his story about all the adventures that were had. He travelled over the Misty Mountains, through Mirkwood, and arrived at the Lonely mountain as the battle between good and evil unfolded. Just like Bilbo, I am now home after the journey; the quest has ended. Yet also just like him, the stories, friendships, and testimonies will not be forgotten. Yet I look in the book of Acts and see a man from long ago who greatly risked his life to share the Gospel throughout the Roman world. But after he returned home to Antioch from each journey, he realized that this wasn’t the end of his adventures. I look back and see God’s goodness yet also look forward with excitement as to what the new chapter- a new book with blank pages to be written on- begins…

“For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.” Hebrews 3:4


MAY 13, 2021 – AUGUST 15, 2022

  1. New York City & Nantahala

  2. Alaska

  3. Training Camp & Launch

  4. Romania

  5. Albania

  6. Kosovo

  7. Ukraine

  8. Middle East, Pt 1

  9. Middle East, Pt 2

  10. Georgia

  11. Armenia

  12. Romania, Pt 2

  13. North Africa, Pt 1

  14. North Afirca, Pt 2

  15. Multi-Squad Debrief

  16. Colorado Trail

  17. FL / GA Squad Reunion

One response to “The Final Debrief of Finality”

  1. Love your first missionary quest. You have done such a good job inviting us into this journey and have documented it so well. Thank you Brett!