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Albania ATL Ministry, Part 2

As a team, we arrived at the Thermal Baths near Permet. It had been a few days since we ministered in Permet at this point- it was the day after we trekked to the cross (see blog

At the pools, we met a nice couple from Eastern Europe that spoke English. After conversing with them a bit- we learned that they were eager to explore Lengarica Canyon- which was just upstream from the pools. This huge canyon is cut into the earth with impressive scenery, and it was one of the most remarkable places that I explored. The five of us joined the couple and set off into the heart of this geologic wonder.

Picture it- giant walls above us as we walk into this narrow canyon and cross the stream multiple times. We got wet, took tons of photos, and had a blast. Getting to know the couple was amazing as well- and they also loved to take photos. Lengarica Canyon is a striking example of God’s creation and the forces that shape this earth. It’s crazy that a little stream winds its way through the canyon and likely carved it out. Because we all went up the canyon as a team, it was a terrific moment for us (the Navigators) to bond together and share an experience that we plan to remember for years to come.

In the afternoon, we turned around and went back down the canyon to the pools. After a nice lunch, we swam in the pools for a while and said our goodbyes to the couple that we got to meet and trek the canyon with. I praise the Lord when these encounters take place- and may we build a friendship that leads to the Gospel. To close out the day, Zach and I hiked up a gravel road and made it to an overlook of the canyon from above. From here, we really began to comprehend the immensity of the canyon; flanked with the mountains in front and behind it. It was a captivating scene. Thanks to a Czech couple that lent us their phone to call our taxi driver (because Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram crashed that day), we made it back to Permet safely!

The next week of ministry began in Permet. Permet is a small city that is tucked away in the mountains of Southern Albania. A ton of villages surround the city- which one can hike to or take a taxi to visit. There are two notable landmarks here. First, the Vjosa river winds its way through town. When it does not rain, it has beautiful blue water. The second landmark is the City Stone- which overlooks Permet. One can climb multiple flights of stairs to access it- which has the remains of a medieval fortress on top of it. The City Stone is one of my favorite places to spend time with God- and to be in His presence.

What has ministry been like in Permet? On many days, we handed out Bible verses, played chess in the park, and talked to people whenever we went out to eat at a restaurant. With ATL (Ask The Lord)- we began to get into our groove and express our individual passions for ministry while combining them as a team. I gravitate towards tourism and trekking ministry, while Zach loves outreach through sports. Joanne is an expert with art and drawing, and Derek/ Emily (the married couple on our team) love photography, videography, and cooking.

We continued to press in with ATL (Ask the Lord) and be challenged as well. Over the week, some neat stuff happened. We had been trying to play soccer or volleyball for a few days, and we were able to establish connections with the local boys who play soccer. One of the nights, we had an intense soccer match with them (where I got pelted in the arms multiple times). Yet it was nevertheless a great time of fellowship. In another instance, Zach and I trekked up to Leusë Village near Permet. The road overlooked Permet, and we were able to intercede for the city. At the village, not a lot of people spoke English, but we were able to hand out Bible verses. The people there were super sweet as well! We toured an old Orthodox church and were blown away by the art that was inside. Later in the week, Joanne, Zach and I found out that there was a Protestant church in Permet. Praise the Lord for aligning our paths- and we were able to meet Christ followers from both Permet and Tirana (the capitol of Albania). Please lift them up as they continue their ministry in Albania.

On Saturday, we took an adventure weekend trip to Gjirokaster. It is a beautiful town with a very rich history. Gjirokaster is perched on the side of the mountain, and we hoofed it from the bus stop upwards to our hotel. A large castle sat at the top of the town. After lunch, we entered the castle and saw some Ottoman era weapons that were inside. The cannons and guns were huge! The castle had spectacular views of the valley below, and we marveled at the architecture of the place. Another cool thing was that the castle had a laid back atmosphere. We were able to walk on the walls, enter tiny rooms, and climb all other the place. The only requirement that we saw was that we don’t fall off the side. Thankfully, we all satisfied that requirement.

A couple hours later, I set off to visit the Ali Pasha Bridge, which are the last ruins of an old aqueduct. I knew vaguely how to reach it and tried to figure out the route along the way. As I got closer to the bridge, I crossed paths with an Egyptian man and a guy from Russia. We banded together into a group of three to visit the bridge. We came from three different continents to see Europe and came together in this moment. The three of us made it to the bridge that spans a small canyon in the mountainside. We had a good time of fellowship and conversations- getting to know one another. As we trekked back towards town, we took in more views of the bridge and the canyon that snakes its way up the mountain.

Shortly thereafter, I met the Egyptian man at the restaurant. We had a great conversation about religion, Jesus, the Bible, and a host of other things. These convos really energize me- along with opportunities to present the Gospel to travellers and tourists from different lands. This really made my day- and I hope to keep in touch with these two men that I went to the bridge with. Praise the Lord!

As a team, we went out to eat in Gjirokaster’s Old Town- which is a pretty area filled with shops, bazaars, and restaurants. Stone streets and old buildings line the area. The Old Town dates back to the Ottoman era, and lovely shopkeepers love to usher people in to buy souvenirs. In the evening, we spent a great time over the dinner table chatting with one another as the cute orange cat snuggled us. The night lights of the city sparkled below us. Yet soon enough, it was time for bed. We went back to our hotel and dozed off. As we slept, the sound of rain, lightning, and crashing thunder filled the night…


Psalm 65:1-2: “Praise awaits you, our God, in Zion; to you our vows will be fulfilled. You who answer prayer, to you all people will come.”

4 responses to “Two Canyons and the Castle”

  1. These days sound like so much fun and also awe at God’s gorgeous creation! Those stimulating convos about the Gospel are so cool for any Christian. Keep on telling folks about the Lord!

  2. So proud of you Brett, God is working through you and your team in many remarkable and miraculous ways. God bless you and the squad Brett! You all are in my prayers.

  3. For sure- and amen to that! Albania had some very cool places to check out- but also cool people to talk with at those cool places!

  4. Thank you so much for your prayers; this means a lot. My time in Albania was very special. How are you doing?